martes, 2 de octubre de 2007


The los Alisos National Park Field hoards the most beautiful landscapes of Tucumán's Province, being the most southern protected exponent of our Yungas's exiguous and most valuable Jungle.
Nailed in the high summits of the Aconquija, the austral prolongation of the calchaquíes valleys, the los Alisos National Park encloses natural and cultural richnesses.
This Park also protects, as archaeological patrimony, the remains of inca constructions from great astronomic significance (The Ciudacita, Camino del Inca).
With the creation of this National Park it was given the first step in the protection of Aconquija's sierras.

It is in Chicligasta's Department, in Tucumán's Province and occupies an approximate surface of 10.000 hectares.
It was created in 1995 to protect to a representative sector of the jungle and mountainous forest and of the altoandino biome.

This National Park is on the oriental hillside of the Nevados of the Aconquija, which summits border Catamarca's Province, between the rivers Las Pavas in the northern part and Jaya in the southern part. It spreads from 847 to 5.200 m. high, being it’s more out-standing height the Cerro de la Bolsa.

Subtropical highland

Inside The area of the Park, to the 4.200 m.s.n.m. locate the pircas of the "Ciudacita", the most important archaeological pre-Columbian deposit of the Argentine Northwest and of great astronomic significance.
There aren’t any accomodations for the visitors. The closest Fuel Station is in Concepción's City 18 km from there.
The ruins of inca civilizations are above the 4000 meters. To go there it is necessary to ride on mule for 8 days. Ruinas del casco de estancia, of English style, are at 1700 meters.

You can also visit the Menhire park, the Jesuit Museum, the pre-inca ruins and the Estancias opened for the tourism in Tafí del Valle(100 Km). There are Cavalcades from Tafí del Valle. Quilmes's Ruins are 76 Km from Tafí.

From the city of San Miguel take N ° 38 rout towards the south, up to Concepción's city (80 km). From there carry on torwards the village of Alpachiri in the west, 14 km. Then it is necessary to continue towards the west 10 km on a dirt track in very poor conditions, up to The Jaya this is a limit of the National Park. To enter it is necessary to walk several hours along a risky path, because of it, who are not experienced adventurers must abstain.


Due to the recent creation of this National Park, it does not possess still the services needed for the attention of the visitors. It is recommended for the tourist to require information in the Technical Regional Delegation Northwest (Delegación Técnica Regional Noroeste), in the city of Salta, if you want to visit the Park.

Los Alisos National Park
24 de septiembre 2.044
Mail Box: 43(4.146)
Concepción Tucumán,
Telephone: (038) 65-421734.


Near The highest level of altitude, the Park preserves an archaeological site of great importance for the study of the Incas facilities and activities in the Argentine Northwest: the Ruins called La Ciudacita or “Pueblo Viejo” (4.300 m on the level of the sea), composed of two sectors of constructions joined by a paved way. One would correspond to the ceremonial enclosure or calasasaya and the other one to the group calledde los corrales, joined by a paved way of a kilometre of length and from two to three meters of width, with flagstones and big stones. The facilities dedicated to the ceremonial one possess a square of approximately three hundred square meters.

The ruins were discovered in 1949 by a German geographer, though the natives knew her always as ' El Pueblo viejo'.
Both sets possess diverse types of structures of stone as circular, rectangular, quadrangular enclosures, squares and promontories. They constitute a sample of the inca settlements in it’s south border, the Inca province of the Collasuyu, interpreted as a great installation on which there are united different aspects of the social, political and economic organization of the Empire, where the symbolic, ritual, astronomic and political meaning is present and forms a completely indivisible part.
There are some conjectures on the possibility of a preponderantly military function, tied to the defense of the territories, resources and populations of the mountain and territories of the west, against the incursions of bellicose Indians and not submitted indians of the plains.

In the oriental high territories of the Nevados del Aconquija, up to 4400 meters on the level of the sea, you get to the ruins of Ciudacita and Sanctuaries of Height, which constitute one of the most important challenges for the archaeological investigation on the Argentine northwest.

It’s strange location and the greateness of it’s constructions, completely isolated of the ones found in the Salta valley of Yocavil, near Cafayate, are real mysteries. The debate of the archeologists concerns it’s antiquity and it’s origin. There exist some attitudes that hold that La Ciudacita would have belonged to the Incas and, in consequence, it would have approximately five hundred years, if it is considered that the Inca culture came to the calchaquíes valleys fifty years before the Spanish discoverers. Other experts think that it’s mentors would have been descendants from the aymará, of the Tihuanaco empire and, which go back for more than two thousand years.
One of it’s sides is perfectly adjusted to the border of the mountain, like a great balcony, against an unsurpassable sight of Tucumán’s pains. The researchers think the purpose of this space was astronomic, with the aim to observe the nature.

Los Alisos National Park
24 de Septiembre 2.044
Mail Box: 43 (4.146)
Concepción, Tucumán
Telephone: (038 65-421734).


The laguna del Tesoro is one of the best kept destinations in Tucumán. It is inside the Provincial Cochuna Park, surrounded by the highest peaks of the Nevados del Aconquija mountains. This Lagoon is 1.880 meters high and the best time to visit her is in spring (September - November) and autumn (March - May) in which the low temperatures and the summer rains are sometimes avoided.

To get to the Lagoon is not an easy task; in spite of the attempt of exploiting the zone, the roads are not in the best conditions. Nonetheless, the lovers of trekking, of camps and especially of ecotourism, are attracted by this Argentine North jewel.

After crossing sinuous roads and after crossing the Soñador creek and the abrupt slopes, you will come near Slope of the desesperado, after crossing 15 kilometres by foot or by horse you arrive to this magnificent mirror of water. The color of the water is a greenish quoit and is nourished of small slopes from the north draining off for it’s extreme south.
Laguna del Tesoro - Photograph taken by: Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI)
The history of the Lagoon goes back to the time of the Spanish conquest. A version of the myth tells that the former aborigens of the region (probably of the Inca culture) that were residing in the Nevados del Aconquija, were chased and submitted by the Spanish, so they threw their treasures (gold, silver, jars and other valuable belongings) inside the Lagoon.

The legend tells that the one who should try to steal the treasure from the bottom of the lagoon will be attacked by a mythological bull with gold horns. Another one of the most known versions say that in times of the Inca empire the news of the capture of Atahualpa were made known, the last Inca and the heir of the whole empire was captured and the were demanding all their wealth to save the life of the Inca emperor for ransom.

The inhabitants of Andalgalá's zone, and more precisely the ones established in Pucará, reduced the gold and made a magnificent chain of several meters of length. Every link of the thickness of a man’s fist. With this precious load, they went out course to the imperial center, throug el camino del Inca, which was crossing the jungle. The journey came up to a lagoon, where Atahualpa's execution was anounced. There, they decided to throw into the lagoon, their mos valuable wealth. From that moment on it was named the"Laguna del Tesoro".

These traditional stories combined with the spectacular landscapes where the nature prevails in a virgin zone, are worth knowing.

The common ways of access to the lagoon are by foot or by horse, and also by crossing the bridge of the Cochuna river.

The lagoon is surrounded with high mountains of profuse vegetation and notable color, which is reflected in the mirror of the water. In the winter the meadows and sorroundings are shown covered with snow.
Cochuna's Park is furrowed by a vast fluvial net, where there are plenty trouts; the lagoon also has it’s attraction for the fishermen. Splendid specimens can be obtained of pejerreyes (an argentinian fish).
Interesting Destinations in Tucumán :

1) Ciudacita; Parque Nac. Los Alisos; Laguna del Tesoro
2) Ruinas de Lules; Famaillá
3) Historic District S. M. de Tucumán(Sgo., Gral. Paz, Avellaneda, Salta)
4) Casa Obispo Colombres; Parque 9 de Julio; Paseo de los Artesanos
Las Yungas
5) San Javier; Loma Bola; Villa Nougués
6) Yeba Buena; Horco Molle
7) Raco; Siambón; Cadillal
8) Complejo Arquitectonico: Casino, San Martin T., Legislature.
Calchaqui Valleys
9) Ampimpa/Infiernillo; Amaicha del Valle; Mollar
10) Tafi del Valle
11) Quilmes
12) Colalao del Valle/ El Pichao
Choromoro Circuit
13) San Pedro de C.; Trancas; Hualinchay
14) Simoca; Escaba; Ibatín

*Where to eat (gastronomy)
*Interesting sites
*Historical backrounds

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Who can solve the mystery?
Alec Crabtree was found dead at his desk in his study last night. He had been hit on the head with a blunt object. He had been sitting at the desk with his back to the door, and was in the middle of writing a letter. He was found by his wife, when she went in to bring him his bedtime cocoa at 11:15pm but his watch, which had been smashed in the struggle, had stopped at 11:05pm. The suspects are the people who were in the house at the time: Mrs. Crabtree (the dead man's wife), Daniel Crabtree (the dead man's brother), Mr. and Mrs. Fairfax (old friends of the Crabtrees), and Susie (the maid).

The murderer was Mrs. Crabtree because:
She was wearing red, and they found a piece of red material on the window. Everybody smokes except Mr. Crabtree and the maid, and a cigarette end was found near the body.
Mrs. Crabtree’s name is not Alice and she had a note in her purse saying Alice was waiting for her husband outside and it joust happens that Mrs. Fairfax’s name is Alice.
She and Susie were the only ones that weren’t watching T.V. with the guests, but
Susie was washing the kitchen.
The window was open. No one saw Mrs. Crabtree go outside but she came in through the front door.
The silver vase missing from the room, the weapon she used, was found in a flowerbed outside. She must have thrown it when she made her perfect exit through the window. Then she went into the kitchen and started to make cocoa fot herself and her husband. When she went to serve the cocoa to her husband she “discovered” him.
Case Closed!

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2007

Clue number 12_ Mrs. Fairfax went outside at 11 o'clock, saying she was hot and needed fresh air.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2007

Controversial Issues: Abortion
For as long as there has been ilegal abortions, or as long as the world has come to know them, there has been controversial discussions among the two groups facing each other with entirely opposite positions.
On one hand, there is the Pro-life posittion vs. the Pro- choice possition. The people that support the pro-life movement, are against abortion and in favor of giving that baby in adoption or finding a tutor/foster family. On the other hand the Pro-choice movement supports the abortion and are in favor of what the mother chooses, because they are dealing with her body and she has the right to choose over her own body.
In my oppinion I was raised thinking that abortion is, and will be murder. The people that carry out this kind of procedures cannot call themselves doctors. Doctors are ment to keep people alive, provide them with health, not kill them.
The thing is, many people dont considder fetuses people. Any doctor can say that a fetus is considered a live person from the moment they are concebed.
The problen nowaday is that there are many rapes, risks of the death of the mother, among other issues that makes this subject so controversial. In some countries abortions are legal only in special cases, alredy ennounced, and are throughly considdered.

martes, 21 de agosto de 2007

unrest: disagreements or fighting between different groups of people/ descontento, disturbios.
precinct:the area which surrounds a building or place, especially when enclosed by a wall/ recinto.
helm:officially controlling an organization or company/en la dirección (de).

Santa Cruz police chief forced out

President Néstor Kirchner’s home province of Santa Cruz has been rocked by union unrest and by violence for more than two years. Recent news tell that a former police officer has resigned alleguing personal reasons, being that he has been judged of the murders of several teachers in the provincial capital of Río Gallegos on Friday night.
A prosecutor yesterday said that Varizat had had the “intention to injure” the teachers who where demanding higher wages at the same time that first lady Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was leading a campaign rally in Río Gallegos.
Santa Cruz Governor Daniel Peralta yesterday replaced the provincial police chief, who quit after civil service unions demanded his resignation and was replaced by his deputy, Alejandro Martín.
The Río Gallegos Prosecutor Andrés Vivanco said that Varizat, who is under arrest, had intentionally injured teachers who were staging the protest, using his vehicle.

Personal Reaction
I found this article very interesting because it´s a reality in this country. The numbers of attacks on teachers and on numerous people demanding a better way of life are overwhelming.
The incident that happened a few months ago in the argentinian province of Neuquen is also related to this article, without mentionig the uncountable eppisodes that happen daily in Argentina. 108
On the months of elections these kind of eppisodes are sort of hidden from the public because the politicians are trying to make people think that the situation in the country is fine so that we think that they are good governors and vote them once again.
In my oppinion the way to stop these incidents is by denying our vote to those governors that we know are corrupt, and not being influenced by their promisses or bribes.

martes, 12 de junio de 2007


To love, you must give yourself in,
with no worrys or complaints.
When you're truly in love,
you know it,
because you know that you're safe
when you're with them.
That the world can fall down,
but you'll be fine, because you're next to him.
When you're in love,
time goes by, like a falling star,
it goes so fast that you hope
that there was more than 24 hours in the day.
That's when you know that you're in love,
when you feel like flying,
and those butterflyes in your stomach,
when it seems that
he is the only one for you,
and you know that you're ment for each other.
That's love.

about me

I'm outgoing , joyful, funny and crazy. I like going out with my friends, dancing, and partying, meeting new people and making new friends...
I study tourism, which I love. Of course, I enjoy traveling to new countries to learn about their cultures...
This is who I am, in fifty words.

martes, 5 de junio de 2007

Traveling with dogs
kennel: a house or shelter for a dog or a cat.
lethargic: of, pertaining to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish.

This text talks about tips or usefull information regarding travelling with pets. Now a day traveling with pets is very common. this article mentions some advises that owners of pets give to the readers so that they can travel safely and confortable.
It talks about the services that hotels gives to pets and how the airlines treats them. During air travel 12 animals, mostly dogs, died, 3 were injured and 4 were lost.
Then there is an enterview with Cesar Millan, a dog behaviorist and best-selling author who talks to the author answering questions like How do you travel with your dogs?, More hotels are trying to appeal to pet owners with special doggy beds and room service. Does it matter what kind of hotel you stay at?, How should you choose a kennel?, among others.
It finnishes the text by saying a few tips to keep in mind when you arrive at the destination, like walking your dog or cat so that they ge some fresh air and they feel right at home.

I really like this article because I have a dog of my own and I love travelling with her. I found the tips very usefull.
I didn't know that pets could die in arplanes, I thought that the airlines took the necesary precautions. Next time I'll think twice before I put her in a kennel and inside a plane.
I knew some of the necesary precautions but some of them were new to me, that's why I think that if you're traveling with pets it's convenient to read this article.
Take care of your pets. They're not human but they can feel. Give love and attention, they'll apreciate it.

martes, 29 de mayo de 2007


Let´s see what I can write... This "creation" was my teacher´s idea... Personally, I don´t enjoy writting, I´m more of a talking person. But, homework is homework and someone has to do the dirty work...
I´m not used to doing this so if I bore you, just stop reading!! You´re doing yoursell a favor... stop wasting time reading what some people says when they´re bored. Go outside, breathe fresh air... live "la vida loca"... Don´t worry, be happy...